The Granada Hills Rotary Foundation is a 501c3 charitable corporation which exists
to support the Granada Hills Rotary Club. All philanthropic and related activities are
conducted by the Foundation, which has its own Board of Directors. Grants and
contributions from other Foundations, civic groups, and municipalities, along with
individual contributions, fund many of the programs of the Granada Hills Rotary Club
and have allowed us to expand our outreach and satisfy Rotary's motto of
"Service Above Self."
The first project undertaken by the GH Rotary Foundation was the refurbishment and enhancement of the "triangle" at the intersection of Chatsworth Street and Zelzah Avenue in Granada Hills. Under the direction of Carl B. Melnik, OD, the "Granada Hills Veterans' Park" now exists, complete with bronze statue, flagpoles, brick walkway, pergola, and landscaping. Under an agreement with the City of Los Angeles, our Foundation continues to maintain the Park now and into the future. Recognition bricks are available to assist us in defraying the maintenance costs (for details, please contact

Rotary's Oktoberfest and Wine is our largest annual fundraiser and community event in the fall each year.
Kerry Nelson and Laura Andrews Clemens are the current Co-Chairs for this event.
Please visit https://oktoberfestandwine.com/
Thanks to the contributions to the Foundation from Granada Hills Rotary members, we have sponsored INTERNATIONAL PROJECTS such as water wells in the Philippines, nutrition programs for undernourished children in Calauag, hurricane relief in Haiti, and educational and
economic programs in India. We have undertaken these projects with contributions from other local Rotary Clubs and matching funds from the Rotary District 5280 Foundation and the Rotary International Foundation
(for details, please call 818.408.6007)
The Annual Jean C. Seratti High School Scholarship Program has been enhanced by our Foundation and is now self-supporting, thanks in part to a "challenge grant" from Dr. Karen Seratti and matching contributions from local businesses and residents. Scholarships to assist graduating high school students from Granada Hills, Kennedy, Hillcrest Christian and Valley Academy of Arts and Sciences are provided to advance their collegiate careers. The Program is named in honor of our dear friend and GH Rotarian
Jean C. Seratti, who did so much for our Club over the years.
General fundraising supports our Annual Sportsmanship Program. This
The program recognizes the attributes of sportsmanship exhibited by some of our young people in baseball and softball.
We provide funding for an annual Thanksgiving Project for the disadvantaged. GH Rotary members make
contributions to our Foundation which are used to purchase specific foodstuffs for a local food bank so that there is
sufficient food available for Thanksgiving meals.